Saturday, July 27, 2024
GoodSelects on Google PlayStore
Nice Scrollbars Using React JS With Several Options

Nice Scrollbars Using React JS With Several Options

Features frictionless native browser scrolling native scrollbars for mobile devices fully customizable auto hide auto height universal (runs on client & server) requestAnimationFrame for 60fps no extra stylesheets well tested, 100%...
Free SSL Certificate By Let's-encrypt

Free SSL Certificate By Let’s Encrypt

One of the most required steps to get your website recognized is to buy SSL certificate for your domain. SSL certificate activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure...
Hot Toast Notifications Component For React

Hot Toast Notifications Component For React

A lightweight, accessible, customizable, and beautiful toast notification component with Headless Hooks and Promise API. Features ? Hot by default ? Easily Customizable ⏳ Promise API - Automatic loader from a promise ? Lightweight - less than 5kb including styles ...
Best PHP Development Environment For Windows!

Best PHP Development Environment For Windows!

In the world of development there are many development environments for PHP, Node JS, Python, Java, …,etc. Each one of them provide you with specific features but with lack of easy...
Domain Name-How to pick one

Domain Name – How To Pick One

Picking a domain name should be easy, right? Why I’ll just use my business name. Not so fast, Sparky. A good bit of thought should be given to selecting a domain...
Blisk-Best Development Browser

Blisk – Best Development Browser

Blisk is that all-new browser that every developer has been waiting for so long. Mozilla has already taken quite a decent stab, by building the finest development tools for the aspiring...
Selecting Colors Using Color Palettes

Selecting Colors Palette Using PALETTON

Selecting colors palette of your website depends on the website main color. Colors are derived from the main color. Colors control how your website looks like and emotions that are put on...
SweetAlerts2 - Nice JavaScript Alerts Library

SweetAlerts2 – Nice JavaScript Alerts Library

A zero dependencies beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes Installation You can install SweetAlerts2 via npm npm install sweetalert2 or by you can grab it via jsdeliver CDN <script src=""></script> Usage 1. Initialize the...
Faster web development with HTML Builder

Faster Web Development with HTML Builders

Fast web development tools are very valuable. especially when they are well written and bundled with valuable plugins. Every web developer owns a list of tools which makes web development faster....
Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons

Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons

Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons, which utilizes ES6 imports that allows you to include only the icons that your project is using. Installation (for standard modern project) yarn...
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