Saturday, July 27, 2024
GoodSelects on Google PlayStore
The Most Secure Linux Distributions

The Most Secure Linux Distributions in 2023

When it comes to desktop Linux distributions, Qubes OS is considered one of the most secure Linux distros. Based on Fedora, Qubes OS focuses on desktop security and isolates different VMs...
Best Chrome Extensions That Make Browsing Easier 2022

Best Chrome Extensions That Make Browsing Easier 2022

When it comes to browsing the internet, there are many extensions that are of the best chrome extensions which can make your life easier. Fakespot, for example, helps you identify sellers...
What is Go Language Used For in the Web Industry?

What is Go Language Used For in the Web Industry?

The Go language has many uses in the web industry. It is scalable, easy to learn, and type-safe. Its idiomatic syntax makes it well-suited for microservices. Here are some examples of...
Improve PHP Application Speed By Using APCu

Improve PHP Application Speed By Using APCu

The Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is a free and open opcode cache for PHP. Its goal is to provide a free, open, and robust framework for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate...
jPEGmini- Best jpeg image optimizer

Reduce Jpeg Size Up To 80%

If you want your website to load as fast as possible, you will have to reduce JPEG size as quickly as possible. No matter what size of the image you want...
What is curl_init in PHP?

What is curl_init in PHP?

What is curl_init in PHP?. Curl_init is a function in PHP that is used to initialize a new cURL session. It is a crucial function when it comes to performing HTTP...
Best Web Browser 2022

Best Web Browser 2022

Which web browser will be the best for you in 2022? Let's take a look at some of the most popular options. There's no doubt that Google Chrome is a strong...
Develop Fast iOS App Using This Plugin

Develop Fast iOS App Using this Plugin!

The integration of a high number of cocoapods in your iOS application leads to a relatively slow application. I was searching over the internet when suddenly I found...
Top Code Editors for Web Developers

Top Code Editors for Web Developers

Web development today has many various resources to use. Each developer has the choice to choose his suite of development tools. One of the first tools to choose is what code...
font awesome iconic font and css framework

Font Awesome – Iconic Font and CSS Framework

Every day, the front end development is becoming faster and faster. Many web technologies have been developed through the past ten years. The iconic font has taken a wide range of...
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