How to Build SMTP Server 2022 ?
How to Build SMTP Server 2022 ?

You can start by setting up a simple SMTP server. This article covers the basic steps of setting up an SMTP server, including installing it, configuring it, and getting a dedicated IP address. It also explains how to set up Mailtrap. It can help you send and receive email, as well as manage your domain and mail lists.

How to Build SMTP Server?

Installing SMTP server

The first step in installing an SMTP server is to open the Server Manager console. This opens the list of servers. In the Server Manager window, right-click on the SMTP Virtual Server option and choose Properties. The next step is to configure the settings for the server. The properties for the SMTP Virtual Server include its IP address, SMTP server type, and logging. The logging feature saves details about emails sent and received. The Authentication tab displays an Authentication button. If you don’t want to authenticate your server, choose Anonymous access.

After installing SMTP server, you have to configure it to send and receive messages. After this is done, any computer can send and receive messages using this server.

Configuring SMTP server

The first step in configuring your SMTP server is to make sure that it is enabled. To do this, click on System > Network > Email > SMTP Server. Next, you must specify the port and server name of the server. Next, you need to specify the “From” address and enable SMTP authentication by entering a Username and Password. Also, you need to select whether to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or not.

After enabling this option, right-click the SMTP server in the list and select Properties. This will open the SMTP Virtual Server configuration dialog. This window will show the name and IP address of the server. It will also give you an option to configure anonymous access.

Getting dedicated IP address for SMTP server

Getting a dedicated IP address for your SMTP server can be an excellent way to improve your email deliverability. However, one thing to keep in mind is that a dedicated IP address is not independent from the rest of the IP range or domain. This means that receiving servers will have to evaluate each email sent from this IP as if it were a brand new one.

To benefit from a dedicated IP address, you should send enough emails to maintain the reputation of the address. You should aim for a daily volume of at least 5,000 emails. If you send more than this, you should consider getting more than one dedicated IP.


Mailtrap is a free SMTP server that can be used to send and receive email. It allows you to test your code without worrying about real recipients or spam folders. You can set up a free account and send up to 500 test emails per month. If you want more send limits or more users, you can upgrade to a paid account for $9 per month. Mailtrap is available for both Windows and Mac OS.

Amazon SES

If you’re interested in building an SMTP server, you might want to check out Amazon SES. This cloud-based service offers an SMTP interface and an API. With the API, you can send and receive messages. You can also use Amazon SES to build mailing lists and handle bounces.

First, you’ll need to sign up for an AWS account. Once you have an account, you can view your dashboard. From there, you can search for Simple Email Service. Click it will direct you to Amazon’s dashboard, where you can configure your domain and email address.

SES is free for the first year, but after that, you’ll have to pay a fee. You’ll pay $0.10 per thousand emails sent. And you’ll have access to detailed statistics about your subscribers’ activity.


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