Saturday, July 27, 2024
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VueJS Vs React - Which Front-End Framework is Best?

VueJS Vs React – Which Front-End Framework is Best?

This article compares and contrasts Vue and React, two popular front-end frameworks. I will explain their different syntax highlighting systems and component-based architecture. I will also talk about their preprocessor support...
SweetAlerts2 - Nice JavaScript Alerts Library

SweetAlerts2 – Nice JavaScript Alerts Library

A zero dependencies beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes Installation You can install SweetAlerts2 via npm npm install sweetalert2 or by you can grab it via jsdeliver CDN <script src=""></script> Usage 1. Initialize the...
React Vs JavaScript

React Vs JavaScript

React is a modern, web-based framework that combines the power of HTML and JavaScript. Its virtual dom model allows JavaScript to manipulate the website DOM more quickly. In JavaScript, the DOM...
Pros and Cons of React JS Vs Node JS

Pros and Cons of React JS Vs Node JS

When deciding on the best framework for your project, you need to consider your specific project's needs. Mobile applications are usually best developed with React JS, whereas server-side projects should use...
Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development in 2022

Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development in 2022

In the year 2022, React is predicted to surpass jQuery as the most popular JavaScript framework, claiming its place at the top of the list. Other popular frameworks include Backbone, Ember...
What Is AJAX?

What Is AJAX?

Ajax first made waves in 2005 with the Google Search feature. It allows users to type in a search query in the client side of a web page, and the server...
Easy Copy To Clipboard With JavaScript

Easy Copy to Clipboard Library with JavaScript

Simple module exposing copy function that will try to use execCommand with fallback to IE-specific clipboardData interface and finally, resort to usual prompt with proper text content and message. Installation Can be...
Advantages of Using JavaScript Libraries

Advantages of Using JavaScript Libraries

JavaScript libraries are libraries that contain ready-to-use JavaScript code for easy development of JavaScript-based applications. They are particularly useful when developing applications involving web-centric technologies, such as AJAX. There are many...
Flutter Vs React - Which Framework Should I Use?

Flutter Vs React – Which Framework Should I Use?

Developing for mobile is increasingly becoming a necessity, so the question becomes, "Which framework should I use?" This article will explore the performance differences between the two popular frameworks, how they...
How to Answer JavaScript Interview Questions?

How to Answer JavaScript Interview Questions 2022?

JavaScript interview questions help to determine the candidate's JavaScript knowledge. The interview questions can be based on a variety of real-world problems. The main goal is to create a positive experience...
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