Monday, March 24, 2025
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Pros and Cons of React JS Vs Node JS

Pros and Cons of React JS Vs Node JS

When deciding on the best framework for your project, you need to consider your specific project's needs. Mobile applications are usually best developed with React JS, whereas server-side projects should use...
VueJS Vs React - Which Front-End Framework is Best?

VueJS Vs React – Which Front-End Framework is Best?

This article compares and contrasts Vue and React, two popular front-end frameworks. I will explain their different syntax highlighting systems and component-based architecture. I will also talk about their preprocessor support...
How Much Are You Testing React Components?

How Much Are You Testing React Components?

How much are you testing your React components? The answer is different for every project, but generally, the more you test, the better. This article discusses integration, behavior, and snapshot testing....
Vue.js Vs React JS – What’s the Difference?

Vue.js Vs React JS – What’s the Difference?

When it comes to web development, both Vue and React have their advantages. While Vue has a higher level of documentation, React has better resources. The Vue website has highly detailed...
Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons

Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons

Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons, which utilizes ES6 imports that allows you to include only the icons that your project is using. Installation (for standard modern project) yarn...
Hot Toast Notifications Component For React

Hot Toast Notifications Component For React

A lightweight, accessible, customizable, and beautiful toast notification component with Headless Hooks and Promise API. Features ? Hot by default ? Easily Customizable ⏳ Promise API - Automatic loader from a promise ? Lightweight - less than 5kb including styles ...
Nice Scrollbars Using React JS With Several Options

Nice Scrollbars Using React JS With Several Options

Features frictionless native browser scrolling native scrollbars for mobile devices fully customizable auto hide auto height universal (runs on client & server) requestAnimationFrame for 60fps no extra stylesheets well tested, 100%...
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